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June 2024 Update: New Non-Compete Laws- Law Offices of 亚伦雷斯尼克

发布的 亚伦R. 雷斯尼克 | 2024年6月3日 | 0评论

JUNE 2024 Update New FTC Non Compete Agreement Law
JUNE 2024 Update New FTC Non Compete Agreement Law

Florida Non-Compete Laws: June 2024 Update


美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)最近发布了一项最终规定,有效地禁止全国大多数工人签订竞业禁止协议, a significant shift impacting Florida businesses. 这一变化要求雇主重新评估当前的竞业禁止条款,以适应新的法律环境.


规则, 4月23日批准, 2024, will take effect 120 days after its publication in the Federal Register. 它将竞业禁止条款广义地定义为限制工人在离职后寻找或接受新工作或经营企业的任何协议. This rule applies to all workers, 包括员工, 独立承包人, 实习生, 和志愿者, and covers all employers under the FTC's jurisdiction.


  1. 禁止竞业禁止协议:

    • All 竞业禁止协议 for workers, 高管除外, are banned.

    • 雇主不能为受保工人订立、执行或代表非竞争条款.

  2. 高级管理人员豁免:

    • Non-compete agreements with senior executives, defined as those in policy-making positions earning over $151,每年164, 仍可执行的.

    • 这一定义包括首席执行官和其他具有重大决策权力的高层管理人员.

  3. 销售业务例外:

    • Non-compete clauses tied to the sale of a business remain valid, 如果出售涉及所有权权益或重大商业资产的转移.

  4. 通知要求:

    • 雇主必须在现行竞业禁止协议生效日期前通知雇员其不可执行性, using clear and conspicuous written communication.

Implications for Florida Businesses:

的 FTC's final rule supersedes all inconsistent state laws, including Florida's statutes on 竞业禁止协议. 这种联邦优先权确保了各州的统一适用,但也允许各州在需要时实施更严格的保护.


的 final rule is expected to face legal challenges. 美国.S. 美国商会(Chamber of Commerce)和其他商业团体已经表示,他们打算对该规定提起诉讼, arguing it overreaches the FTC's authority. 这些挑战的结果可能会影响该规则的实施时间表和范围.


Florida businesses should take proactive steps to comply with the new rule:

  • 检讨现有协议: 审核所有现有的竞业禁止协议,以确定哪些协议将无法执行.

  • 更新政策: 修订劳动合同和政策,以替代保护措施取消或取代竞业禁止条款, such as non-solicitation or confidentiality agreements.

  • 与员工沟通: 就竞业禁止协议的变更,为员工准备清晰的书面通知.

  • 寻求法律意见: 咨询法律顾问,了解新规则的复杂性并确保其合规性.

  • Business Contract Services by the Law Offices of 亚伦雷斯尼克:

    At the Law Offices of 亚伦雷斯尼克, we specialize in helping businesses adapt to legal changes and protect their interests. 竞技宝体育竞猜的服务包括:

    • Non-Compete Agreement Audits: 全面审查和分析现有的竞业禁止协议,以确保符合新的FTC规则.

    • 合同修改: Assistance in revising employment contracts to include enforceable protective measures.

    • 法律顾问: 持续的法律支持,以解决新规则和其他商业合同需求带来的任何挑战.

    Why Choose the Law Offices of 亚伦雷斯尼克?

    With our deep understanding of business law and dedication to client success, the Law Offices of 亚伦雷斯尼克 provides unparalleled expertise and personalized service. 竞技宝体育竞猜帮助企业应对复杂的法律环境,确保他们保持合规和竞争力.

    For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact us at (305) 672-7495. Visit 竞技宝体育竞猜的博客 for the latest updates on business law and other relevant topics.

Additional Details on the FTC's Final Rule:

  • Effective Date and Transition Period: 规则, set to take effect 120 days after publication in the Federal Register, allows a brief transition period for businesses to comply. 雇主需要审查和修改雇佣协议,删除竞业禁止条款,并通知员工.

  • 规则背后的理由: 的 FTC's decision aims to promote fair competition and mobility in the labor market. By banning 竞业禁止协议, 联邦贸易委员会寻求消除限制工人寻求更好就业机会的障碍, thereby fostering innovation and economic growth.

  • 实现挑战: 的 implementation of the FTC's rule is expected to face significant legal hurdles. 美国.S. 美国商会和其他商业协会已经宣布了在法庭上挑战该规定的计划, arguing that it exceeds the FTC's regulatory authority. 这些法律斗争的结果将对决定该规则的最终适用性至关重要.

  • 通知要求: 雇主必须向受影响的工人提供清楚和明显的通知,说明其竞业禁止协议的不可执行性. This notice must be delivered in writing, 或者用手, 邮件, 电子邮件, 或者短信, ensuring that all employees are adequately informed about the changes.

  • Impact on Existing Agreements: 在规则生效日期之前达成的竞业禁止协议对大多数工人来说是无法执行的, 高管除外. 这一条款确保了企业不能依靠预先存在的协议来规避这一规则, promoting a fair transition to the new regulatory environment.

  • 高级行政人员豁免: 对高级管理人员的豁免是为了平衡保护合法商业利益与促进工人流动的需要. By allowing 竞业禁止协议 for top-level executives, 联邦贸易委员会承认这些个人在制定公司战略和保护敏感信息方面发挥的独特作用.

  • 州法律互动: 的 FTC's rule preempts inconsistent state laws, creating a uniform standard for 竞业禁止协议 nationwide. 然而, 如果各州为工人提供更大的保护,则保留实施更严格法规的权力. 这种双层方法确保了基本的保护水平,同时允许基于当地劳动力市场条件的区域差异.

雇主的下一步: 根据新规定,雇主应采取以下步骤,确保法例得到遵守:

  1. Conduct a Comprehensive Audit: 审查所有现有的雇佣协议,以确定可能受该规则影响的竞业禁止条款和其他限制性条款.

  2. 修改劳动合同: 更新合同,删除或替代竞业禁止条款,如禁止招揽或保密协议.

  3. 制定沟通计划: Prepare clear, written notices to inform employees about the changes to their 竞业禁止协议 and the implications for their employment.

  4. 寻求法律顾问: 咨询经验丰富的法律专业人士,以应对新规则的复杂性,并制定在新监管框架内保护商业利益的策略.

的 Role of the Law Offices of 亚伦雷斯尼克:Law Offices of 亚伦雷斯尼克 are committed to helping businesses adapt to these significant legal changes. 竞技宝体育竞猜的团队 有经验的律师 提供一系列服务,以支持合规和维护商业利益,包括:

  • Non-Compete Agreement Audits: Detailed reviews of existing agreements to identify and address compliance issues.

  • 合同修改: 协助起草和执行符合新规则的经修订的劳动合同.

  • 策略性法律意见: 持续支持企业应对不断变化的法律环境,并制定保护机密信息和商业秘密的有效策略.

欲了解更多信息或安排咨询,请联系亚伦雷斯尼克律师事务所 (305) 672-7495. Stay informed about the latest developments in business law by visiting 竞技宝体育竞猜的博客.


亚伦R. 雷斯尼克



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